Typically, the weight of your entire car is supported by four coil springs. This means that each of these springs must be big and strong to withstand the weight. As such, each spring is built with a unique spring rate that enhances performance and comfort for your particular car. Remember, springs and shocks influence how your car reacts to bumps and potholes.
In some cars, the shocks are positioned inside the coil spring and are referred to as a coil-over. Alternatively, some people refer to them as coil-over-shock absorber suspensions. In addition, there are a variety of aftermarket options that allow you to reduce the height of your car or change spring rates to ensure comfort and stability.
Mostly, a coil spring has two sections; the top and the bottom. The top part is located beneath the spring perch or top hat in coil-over suspensions. On the other hand, the lower section is located on the lower control arm, which helps to keep the wheels firmly in place. Therefore, the spring takes all of the impacts from below because it is located above the lower control arm. As a result, the individuals within the cabin above the coil spring can stay comfortable while driving over bumps. If you require information on your rear car suspension system then see here.
Signs That a Car Has Faulty Coil Springs
Because of the key role that a coil spring plays, it is easy to know when they are faulty. Remember to always take immediate action after detecting a problem. Read on to see the symptoms you should look out for.
3 Typical Indicators of A Defective Coil Spring
Your car Sags on One Corner
If you have a faulty coil spring, the affected corner of the vehicle may sag or appear lower than the others. Simply by looking at it from the outside, this will be obvious. Consequently, the sagging will lead to reduced stability while driving. Besides this, look out for other symptoms such as excessive wear and tear of the tires, which will worsen as a result of this condition.
The Car Feels Bouncy When on the Move
Normally, coil springs are designed to prevent the car from shaking and bouncing as it travels along the road. However, if your vehicle’s coil springs are damaged, they won’t be sufficient to stop this bounciness. This means that you’ll be bouncing and shaking a lot when driving, especially if you’re on difficult terrain or a road with a lot of potholes. As a result, controlling the vehicle may be hard, which could lead to an accident.
Additionally, it’s worth noting that a bad shock can have comparable symptoms to those of bad springs. This is because when you hit a huge bump, faulty shocks are unable to absorb the rebounds of the spring. This makes your automobile feel more like a bouncy trampoline.
Tire Wear That Isn’t Even
Coil springs are designed to keep the tires and wheels in constant contact with the road. This ensures that the tires are subjected to the same amount of wear and tear as they go down the road. However, if your coil springs are damaged, your tires may even leave the road under normal driving circumstances. Moreover, tire grooves will wear early and unevenly, as a result producing drivability concerns on the road. Even if you do tire rotation, you will need to change tires sooner than usual.
Wind Up
Having every part of your car functioning properly is key to safety. That said, always be on the lookout for these signs while inspecting your car coil springs!