Europe is Getting Closer!
The four NAPA seaports are located at the northern tip of Adriatic sea, a natural waterway that penetrates deep into the middle of the European continent, thus providing the cheapest naval route from the Far East via Suez to Europe with a distance that is about 2,000 Nm shorter than other North-European ports.

Port of Venice
Autorità Portuale di Venezia
Santa Marta, Fabbricato 13, 30123 Venezia
Tel.:+39 041 533 4111
Port of Trieste
Autorità Portuale Trieste
Via Von Bruck 3, 34143 Trieste
Tel.:+39 040 6731
Port of Koper
Luka Koper, d.d.
Vojkovo nabrežje 38, 6501 Koper
Tel.:+386 5 66 56 100
Port of Rijeka
Port of Rijeka Authority
51000 Rijeka, Riva 1
Tel.: +385 51 351 111