We’re very happy that many UK dental practises are now available for various levels of actual face-to-face care. At the time of writing, we are prioritising appointments for emergencies and those patients who have the greatest needs. We’ve come up with guidance you can use to determine if you are personally suffering a dental emergency. These guidelines will help you figure out what you can do next. COVID-19 changed regular dental care, as social distancing protocols made it harder to access routine dental services. The following is information you can use on accessing an NHS dentist or Fleet dental care whilst the pandemic lingers:
How Can I Find An NHS Dentist?
You might need some help with this, but here are steps you can take:
Phone up your local dentist so you can find out their opening hours. Also, get advice on where to go for the care you need.
If your dentist is currently closed or you just do not have a current dentist, then phone NHS 111. There are translation services readily available for those that need them.
Visit https://interpreternow.co.uk/nhs111 if you’re hard of hearing or deaf.
Never visit a dentist if you don’t have an appointment.
Practises prioritise patients right now based on their needs. The British Dental Association offers this advice:
If you phone to make your appointment, you’re going to be asked a few screening questions. You’ll get asked the very same questions when you show up for your appointment.
You’re likely to be asked to utilise hand sanitiser and/or wash your hands at your time of arrival. You’ll be asked again prior to leaving.
Waiting rooms will employ social distancing measures.
Appointments are managed so that social distancing can happen between patients. As a result, you might notice fewer scheduling options for your appointment.
During this pandemic, what defines dental emergencies?
Dental Emergencies:
Contact one of your local practises as quickly as you can if you have:
Swelling of your face, cheek, or gum that is spreading. If your swelling is spreading along the floor of the mouth, up to the eye, or down your neck, then you have to mention this to the practise that you contact.
Excruciating pain resulting in a lack of concentration or sleep.
Mouth ulcers that don’t heal within two weeks.
Recently went through a tooth extraction and you’re experiencing bleeding that goes on for more than 20 minutes or won’t stop when you bite hard down into a gauze or hankie.
Been adhering to self-help guidance for an issue but still have pain getting worse.
A broken tooth causing damage and pain to your tongue or cheek that seems unmanageable with self-help advice.
Knocked out one of your teeth.
Facial trauma that resulted in controlled bleeding.
Not Emergencies:
If you experience any of these symptoms, then you might be able to treat the issue at home or just talk to your normal dental practise:
Minor toothaches that come and go or result in dull, aching pains.
Pain in wisdom teeth without swelling or restricted openings of your mouth.
Sensitive teeth.
Bleeding/sensitive gums.
Sharp pains if you bite down.
Mouth ulcers that are less than 10 days old.
Orthodontic problems or pain.
Chipped/broken teeth.
Missing or loose crown/veneer.
Denture discomfort.
Accident And Emergency:
Visit an A&E when the following happens:
Facial swelling impacting your breathing, vision, affecting your capacity to swallow or even preventing you from getting your mouth more than two of your fingers in width.
Trauma resulting in vomiting, double vision, or loss of consciousness.
Rapid, uncontrollable bleeding out of your mouth.