Europe is Getting Closer!
The four NAPA seaports are located at the northern tip of Adriatic sea, a natural waterway that penetrates deep into the middle of the European continent, thus providing the cheapest naval route from the Far East via Suez to Europe with a distance that is about 2,000 Nm shorter than other North-European ports.

Napa ports general assembly
Trieste 12th January – At the General assembly meeting of NAPA, held on 12th January in Trieste, the presidents, taking stock of the results achieved so far, reaffirmed the intention to continue common activities focused mainly on promotional and institutional field.
The 2014 have been apositive year fot all Napa Ports that signs an overall growth of +9% on container traffic (1.835.960 teus) in comparison with the same period of 2013, it is indicative of the success of the cooperation strategy between the North Adriatic ports, a strategy that allows a growth of +43% since 2010 (foundation year).
Container traffic 2013/2014 (TEUs):
Trieste | 506.007 | +10,3% |
Rijeka | 192.004 | +15% |
Venice | 456.068 | +2,1% |
Koper | 674.033 | +12% |
Total container traffic (all four ports, TEUs) in the period 2010 – 2014:
2010 | 1.284.750 |
2011 | 1.591.540 |
2012 | 1.580.605 |
2013 | 1.674.975 |
2014 | 1.835.960 |
According to presidency rotation, during the meeting it was agreed that for the next 6 months, the presidency of NAPA is taken over (from Luka Koper) by Trieste Port Authority. 2015 will be a very challenging year especially in terms of European issues, starting with the new financial perspective 2014 – 2020.
During the general assembly ports signed the new Memorandum of Understanding in which all ports confirms its mutual interest in supporting the future developement projects of each port in order to contribute to create a strategic international developement plan in line with EU guidelines and EU markets needs.
NAPA ports are perfectly aware of their opportunities as a multiport gateway, within the coming EU programmes: CEF, Horizon 2020 and territorial cooperation. By February 2015 NAPA members will participate jointly to the Multi-annual work programme (TEN-T) recently launched by EU in order to systematically and coherently stimulate actions supporting each ports’ development plans through innovation, competiveness, sustainable development of North Adriatic ports in particular for: railways development, low emission solutions and the use of LNG (liquefied natural gas), port areas improvement.